Monday, September 10, 2012

Football Field Drought

Unfortunately this year we cannot play on our home football field due to the unstable grass. The field was re-crowned in the spring so the water wouldn't stand on the field and would drain off. The new grass was planted shortly after, and due to the drought the grass didn't grow back as well as we thought it would. The field as of right now is just a bunch of weeds. We are killing off the weeds  within the next week or two the field will look worse then it already does.

All of our "home" games will be played at Bluffton or Eastbrook. Please try to keep the stands clean and pick up all of your trash. We give a big thanks to both facilities for letting us use their fields.
We are sorry to say that there will be NO true home games this football season.

As a school we are trying to make every good moment of this football season last. Thank you seniors for being very cooperative. We hope to see a lot of good games and wish you all good luck.

We will keep pictures posted.

By, Michaela Smith and Arrianne Moore

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