Thursday, May 10, 2012

Raves while on lunch break?

Lol what?

The Swedish are known for quite a few things, inventing Skype, the pacemaker, and many other awesome things, but recently, I read something that even cooler then those. Apparently they rave during their lunch breaks at work. Yep, some Swedish companies have big dance parties in the middle of the day. It all started in 2010 when 14 or so friends would dance their lunches away in their garage. They called it "Lunch Beat." Rumors of this spread around the underground of Swedish pop culture and it soon caught on. Now many popular venues and clubs offer midday fun. Most workplaces allow workers an hours to let loose and have fun and dub it "the most important hour of your week." There are even a list of rules that are kind of like the ten commandments of clubbing. 

It's interesting to see how differently people do things on the other side of the Atlantic.

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